Parent Resources:
Developmental screening resource:
A resource list compiled by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
The Learning Community:
The Learning Community offers resources and articles on behavior, development and health for children whether they are newborns or teens
Affordable housing resources:
From City of Chula Vista website: “Several complexes within Chula Vista offer affordable housing opportunities to qualifying low-income families. Each of these complexes offer units at various affordability levels. Please contact individual complexes directly for current availability and affordability requirements”
*Please navigate to our COVID-19 resources menu to find resources for students and parents during this time of crisis.
Child Development Associates:
From the CDA website: “CDA’s Alternative Payment (AP) Program provides child care reimbursement for children in San Diego County, from birth through 12 years of age to the provider of the parent’s choice.”
Child Care Aware of America:
Child Care Aware of America offers a program named NACCRRA that offers fee assistance to Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine families.
CalWorks Childcare Subsidy:
From the CalWorks website: “The program helps a family access immediate, short-term child care as the parent works or performs their welfare-to-work activity. The purpose of the program is to support parents as they transition to the stable, long-term child care necessary for the family to leave and remain off aid.”